To keep up appearances, I wanted to go to the Willoughby assembly with my wife, but she basically told me to stay home.
How 'bout that?!
1300 attendance 11 teenagers baptised (.85 growth) $12,000 expenses.
biggest facepalm moment- teenage pioneer says she pioneers because "the overlapping generation is getting up there in years ,so time is short" as the saying goes "those that don't know history are doomed to repeat it".
very mind numbing day nothing you haven't heard a hundred times before..
To keep up appearances, I wanted to go to the Willoughby assembly with my wife, but she basically told me to stay home.
How 'bout that?!
i awoke in the middle of the night to banging on my door.
i went to the door half asleep and asked who was there.
i heard “police.” my dog was going crazy, so i slipped outside to talk to them.
Reading the thread title, I thought that some a**hole cop was getting a welfare check from the government!
At least you're ok JRK!
i've seen a lot of posts around and about warwick and the goings on there but was curious as to people's theories on why the move to warwick?
granted there's the obvious point about all of the money from the sale of properties in brooklyn but for as massive as warwick is, the purchase of an apartment complex there, multiple sites and buildings i would be surprised if they had much left from all of the profits.
so beyond a financial incentive why move?
@ Incognito:
"With regard to 9/11, WT may have received some bad press for locking their doors and not assisting evacuees on Sept 11."
Wow. I never knew that.
hiya, firstly i’m new to this website, so sorry if this topic has been covered before.
i have been out of “the truth” for almost one year.
i live with my non-witness mother, have an amazing boyfriend, work and am in college.
@ KindEyes:
Welcome. I totally understand. Years ago, my wife basically gave me an ultimatum. Either I let my worldly friends go or I let her and the “truth” go. I chose the former. I sent everyone a farewell text and then changed my number. Now that I’m “inactive” and my wife and I are having issues, I really have no one. It’s really been tough on me. I let these friends go for what? Some of them I’ve had since elementary school. I often wonder how they’re doing and if they still remember the fun we had. But, at least I have this forum.
i noticed a young brother with a beard being given more privelages within our hall.
when he first grew his beard, he lost his privelages.
but more and more recently he has been helping out a lot more.. the cobe is old school and a stickler for rules, but with the hall becoming more empty these days, and the need for young brothers, he seems to have relaxed on this particular watchtower/man made rule.
@ moomanchu:
Lol. That crown seems way too small for that dome!
i noticed a young brother with a beard being given more privelages within our hall.
when he first grew his beard, he lost his privelages.
but more and more recently he has been helping out a lot more.. the cobe is old school and a stickler for rules, but with the hall becoming more empty these days, and the need for young brothers, he seems to have relaxed on this particular watchtower/man made rule.
Loose privileges if I grow a beard? What are they going to say, “brother, you can’t clean that toilet”?
when i was a jw i was fascinated with the mormon religion.
i never believed a word of it of course, but i was interested in their religion like most boys were interested in star wars.
i’ve read the book of mormon, doctrine & covenants, pearl of great price, book of abraham, watched their videos, read critical books by ex mormons etc etc… (strange at the time that i never did this with my own religion!
@ PALE.emperor:
"Blacks in the church maybe?" lol!!!
i wanted to discuss the (supposed) biblical events that disturbed me a lot when i was a jw.
these incidents were just read and discussed in the kingdom hall as if these are normal and justified, which clearly weren't.
perhaps this led to my awakening.
@ EverApostate:
omg my head exploded!in this months broadcast - splian goes off on how much care the wt in making sure its facts are correct, and how they make sure their quotes are not taking from people who have a bad reputation or have an agenda.
and that the make sure its always in context!.
they are such liars!.
What were they thinking when they wrote the Reasoning Book? It is FULL of misquotes and quotes taken out of context.
i love the rifleman!
i’ve seen it a million times and still will watch it !
and goodfellas, the movie as well as the sopranos.